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Labanotation: The System of Analyzing and Recording Movement (2nd ed.)


528 p. : ill. (b&w) ; 13.5 x 20 cm.
Edition signed by Ann Hutchinson Guest held in vault.
"In the sixteen years since the first edition of this work appeared, Miss Hutchinson, now Honorary President of the Dance Notation Bureau in New York, her colleagues there and persons throughout the world concerned with the recording of human movement, have been working together to bring about this revised edition, which, it is believed, will become the 'bible' of the subject. Almost twice the length of the original work, which has gone through six printings, it attempts to answer all questions which have arisen both from teachers of Labanotation and those working alone to master this first wholly successful system of movement notation. 
As it is presented here, the text is the result of international conferences, standardizing terms and symbols. With this edition's publication it is believed that Labanotation, named for that movement genius who first devised it, Rudolf Laban can forge ahead to become as important as music notation has been since the 17th century when it was standardized. So comprehensive that it can indicate facial expression where necessary, Labanotation is also simple enough that a child can pick it up as a part of his athletic or dance training. Preface by George Balanchine; hundreds of illustrations; glossaries, appendices, index, etc." -- from back of book

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The Dance Notation Bureau (published by)
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Dance Notation BooksVault