Margo Jones Architects and Jones Whitsett Architects: Thirty-Five Years


66 p. : ill. (color) ; 23 x 20 cm. 
Margo Jones Architects (MJA) and Jones Whitsett Architects (JWA), architecture firms in western Massa celebrate thirty-five years with this illustrated tribute to their history. The book recounts the history of MJA and JWA, starting with their breakthrough project to renovate and expand a historic Greenfield school. Jones and Whitsett also contribute an overview of their architectural approaches and interests, highlighting the role and resonance of masonry, metal, and wood materials. They also explore their specialized relationship to historic buildings, preservation, and "vernacular" architectural aesthetics in western Massachusetts. Nearly every page offers vivid photography to illustrate the firm's projects and history, including expansions of Blake's Barn at Jacob's PIllow.

Related Entities
Margo Jones Architects (published by)
Jones Whitsett Architects (published by)
Related Storage Locations
Reading Room Blake's Barn